Geo-INQUIRE Transnational Access Update


The 2nd Geo-INQUIRE Transnational Access Call is now closed. Twenty applications from 13 different countries have been submitted to 8 installations. The applications will undergo eligibility and technical evaluation in the coming weeks. The final results of the selected projects will be communicated in mid-September, after assessment by the external evaluators. Applicants will be contacted directly by the installations about requested reviews (if applicable) and with the final results. The next Geo-INQUIRE Transnational Access Call is expected to be published in autumn 2024. 

We are also very pleased to announce the first successful Transnational Access project under the Geo-INQUIRE framework. Zoe Yin, a last-year PhD candidate from Scripps Institution of Oceanography in the United States, visited Dr. Mathilde Marchandon in the group of Prof. Alice Gabriel at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universtität in Munich, Germany in June 2024. They used the SeisSol installation to set up a fully dynamic, 3D simulation of the 2021 M7.2 Haiti earthquake, to gain deeper insights into the rupture dynamics and the interaction of the event with the neighbouring faults. Congratulations to all for the great work!

In June 2024, Zoe Yin a last year PhD student from the U.S. visited Dr. Mathilde Marchandon from the group of Prof. Dr. Alice Gabriel at LMU in Munich, Germany (Photo: Iris Christadler, LMU).