Personalised training: Call for proposals
1. Scope and call conditions
The Geo-INQUIRE Personalised Training Programme aims at the individual training of the next generation of geoscientists, users with new ideas to exploit Geo-INQUIRE supported installations and their related data, services and products.
The programme offers visit grants of up to 3.000 € for selected users willing to address new research ideas, develop projects, boost ongoing and new cooperation, among others. Selected users will be able to reimburse travel, accommodation and subsistence costs for stays of up to 2 weeks duration.
The 1st Geo-INQUIRE Personalised Training call was open until 07 January 2025, 17:00 CET.
2. Eligibility rules
The call is open to students at all levels, researchers, technicians, and other specialists working in the fields of research covered by the installations. The current topics and cooperation interests of each installation can be found below in Section 5.
Interested users must apply through their home organisation (place of work or studies), applications from private persons will not be accepted. Initial costs must be covered by the home organisation of the applicant, and will be reimbursed by the IGF PAS upon request after the visit.
3. Application procedure
It is highly recommended that interested users contact the installation of choice before submitting an application. The contact persons at each installation can be found in Section 5.
For questions regarding the submission of proposals, you can contact For any questions regarding the installations and viability of projects, please consult the contact person in the installation of your choice.
Interested users can apply via the application form here.
Information and documents to be provided:
- Basic personal information;
- Description of your project, including:
- motivation and objectives;
- scientific background of the planned activity, tasks to do, risk estimation;
- expected results, including potential impact of the of the training for your future scientific activities.
- Logistics plan and budget of the activity (travel, per-diems, accommodation). The limits for applying for hotel and per diem costs can be found in the table below, depending on the country where the installation of choice is located.
- A commitment letter signed by an authorised representative of your home institution stating that the travel and subsistence costs will be covered during the training.
Table: Maximum reimbursable subsistence cost per day and country
No. | Country of Installation | Currency | Per diem limit | Daily accommodation limit |
1 | France | EUR | 55 | 200 |
2 | Germany | EUR | 49 | 170 |
3 | Greece | EUR | 50 | 160 |
4 | Italy | EUR | 53 | 192 |
5 | Switzerland | CHF | 88 | 220 |
6 | Belgium | EUR | 55 | 200 |
7 | Spain | EUR | 50 | 200 |
8 | United Kingdom | GPB | 45 | 220 |
9 | Poland | PLN | 150 | 900 |
10 | Norway | NOK | 496 | 1650 |
4. Evaluation procedure
Applications will be evaluated in a two-stage procedure.
Stage 1: Eligibility and feasibility
- Completeness of the documents and compliance with the call requirements
- Feasibility of logistics and budget, confirmation of mentoring availability
Stage 2: Assessment of scientific excellence of application
- Originality and novelty – up to 3 points;
- Scientific soundness - up to 3 points;
- Methodology and implementation – up to 3 points;
- Potential impact on the user’s future scientific activities – up to 3 points.
A minimum of 6 points is necessary for a proposal to be accepted. Applicants will be contacted after the decision by the Technical Evaluation Board. The evaluation period is expected to be 4 weeks after call closure.
5. Installations providing access within the call
Geo-I Installations participating in the programme:
Type of access: On-site, Remote, Virtual
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
- Meteo tsunamis
- Storm surges
- Sea level change
- Other geohazards
Possible cross-disciplinary links
This data can be interesting in many fields. Researching geo-hazards, the onset, propagation and impact touches the fields of geology, seismology, geophysics, disaster risk management … .
SLSMF and its webservices already provide real-time data, soon research quality data will be available. The first can be requested with a maximum of 30 days per request whereas the latter can be used to request large datasets combined with quality indicators and quality controlled data streams.
Several options will be available to retrieve data from the system.
- By station name
- By country
- By data provider
- By latitude, longitude and radius (By distance form a selected point)
- By tsunami event
Also a variety of parameters will make it possible to filter and enrich the data requested from the service. Using an R-api makes it possible to use several R-functions in a request. Using the R-shiny application a user will be able to inspect the requested data.
Key scientific questions
- Sea level monitoring on a global scale with a multitude of scientific applications
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
SLSMF, EPOS, DTGEO, MISELA, GLOSS, real-time tsunami detection by TSPs
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
Web browser / R-skills when using R-shiny / programming skills to use API
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
At this time data can only be requested for a maximum of 30 days per request. The data for now has also no or limited quality control. The work done for geo-inquire will resolve these limitations.
Functionalities, possible interoperability.
SLSMF offers metadata on sea level stations and the measurements taken by these stations. Data is offered on a real-time basis. In the near future data will also be offered in bulk and quality-controlled.
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
Open data, IOC data policy, No restrictions
Contact details of dedicated mentor
- VLIZ, Stijn Vermaere, Stijn.vermaere
Type of access: On-site (2-weeks)
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
- Natural hazards related studies
Possible cross-disciplinary links
- GIA studies(glacial isostasy),
- engineeringgeology,
- mining activities,
- anthropogenic hazards (subsidence etc)
StrainTool allows the estimation of Strain Tensor parameters, on the earth's crust, given a list of data point, aka points on the earth along with their tectonic velocities. StrainTool has three basic components, a python package (pystrain), the main executable ( and a list of shell scripts to plot results. To perform the computation, needsan input file, that holdsinput data. Usually, this implies a list of GNSS stations with their ellipsoidal coordinates and their respectivetectonic velocities along with the corresponding standard deviation values. Given a set of stations, strain tensor parameters are estimated using a least square approach. This algorithm has been incorporated into StrainTool. Results of are recorded in three different files that include strain tensor parameters (principal axis, rotational rates, dilatation etc.), station’s data used for the calculation,the command and options used and statistics of the computation. The code is developed under the MIT licenseand is freely available it he github repository (
Key scientific questions
- Strain Rate estimationbased on geodetic data
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
- Geo-inquire 3)
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
Basic knowledge of Python language, as well as shell scripting and GMT plotting tool.
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc.)
The tool is developed under the ΜΙΤ license and there are no other restrictions than this license. The limitations on the data that will be used relate to the organizations that ownedit, however,there is a wealth of data from EPOS and the geodetic laboratories that can be used for the training.
Functionalities, possible interoperability.
StrainTool offers two different algorithms for data analysis and strain rates estimation. It can be combined with other algorithms that estimate strain rates from InSAR, GNSS, etc.
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
The tool is developed under the ΜΙΤ license and there are no other restrictions than this license.
Contact details of dedicated mentors
- Dimitrios Anastasiou, NTUA, email: danastasiou
- Dr Athanassios Ganas, NOA, email: aganas
Type of access: Remote, Virtual
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
- Earthquake hazards: ground shaking, tsunami, fault displacement and secondary earthquake-induced effects.
- Scenarios of potential future earthquakes.
- Geology-based analyses of historical earthquakes.
- Geodynamics and seismotectonics.
Possible cross-disciplinary links
- Earthquake catalogs
- Tsunami catalogs
- Geodetic strain models
The European Databases of Seismogenic Faults (EDSF) installation operates under the auspices of the EPOS TCS-Seismology work program, particularly those of the EFEHR Consortium, and considers the principles expressed by the EPOS Data Policy. EDSF offers services that distribute data about seismogenic faulting proposed by the scientific community or solicited to the scientific community or stemming from project partnerships that involved the use or development of the EDSF installation itself. EDSF grants virtual access to several datasets with different regional coverages (national to continent-wide) and update levels through a web portal ( Each published dataset has its own web page, links to data, metadata, and documentation. Users can access data by downloading GIS files on their computer or remotely through web services adopting standard protocols of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC WFS and WMS). Some of the datasets can also be explored in a web-mapper.
Key scientific questions
- Tectonic deformation at plate boundaries and within plate interiors;
- Long-term seismogenic fault behavior;
- Earthquake rate forecast;
- Relations between geologic faults and seismicity.
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
Not applicable
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
The European Seismic Hazard Model 2020 (ESHM20)
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
Web browser, desktop GIS, SQL, programming.
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
All datasets are open access, their use is only subject to attribution (CC-BY 4.0 license)
Functionalities, possible interoperability
All datasets are distributed as interoperable OGC standard web services.
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features
All forms of data transfer between EDSF and the users are encrypted using the secure protocol HTTPS. User privacy is guaranteed by anonymizing the users’ IP and overall GDPR compliance.
Contact details of dedicated mentor
- Roberto Basili, INGV, roberto.basili
- Roberto Vallone, INGV, roberto.vallone
Type of access: Remote, Virtual
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
- Tsunami hazard estimation.
- Scenarios of potential future tsunamis.
- Tsunami modeling.
- Coastal Engineering.
Possible cross-disciplinary links
- Earthquake catalogues
- Tsunami catalogues
The Euro Mediterranean Tsunami Catalog (EMTC), the Italian Tsunami Effects Database (ITED) and the Paleotsunami ASTARTE database installations operate under the auspices of the EPOS TCS-Tsunami work program and consider the principles expressed by the EPOS Data Policy. EMTC offers services that distribute data about historical tsunami events classified by the generating cause (earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides) and provides, for each event, a general description of the tsunami as a whole, related parameters, bibliographic references and an indicator of the quality of the data and covers the whole North-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (NEAM) region. ITED offers services that distribute data related to the effects of tsunamis observed/measured in different Observation Points geographically located along the Italian coasts. The Paleotsunami ASTARTE database offers a collection of data describing both the paleotsunami characteristics (type of evidence, type of analysis, and dating among others) and the site where the evidence was found (geomorphic setting and type of site among others) for the whole North-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (NEAM) region. EMTC and ITED datasets share a web page ( that provides documentation, links to data, and access to a web-mapper. The ASTARTE database grants access to a web-based map and links to data through its home page (
Key scientific questions
- Tsunami catalogue;
- Tsunami effects;
- Run-up;
- Tsunami inundation;
- Historical tsunamis.
- Paleotsunamis.
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
Not applicable
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
Tsunami data portal (
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
Web browser, desktop or mobile GIS, SQL, programming.
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
All datasets are open access, their use is only subject to attribution (CC-BY 4.0 license)
Functionalities, possible interoperability
All datasets are distributed as interoperable OGC standard web services.
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
All forms of data transfer between EDSF and the users are encrypted using the secure protocol HTTPS. User privacy is guaranteed by anonymizing the users’ IP and overall GDPR compliance.
Contact details of dedicated mentors
- EMTC/ITED Laura Graziani, INGV, laura.graziani
- ASTARTE Paolo Marco De Martini, INGV, paolomarco.demartini
- EMTC/ITED Beatriz Brizuela, INGV, beatriz.brizuela
Type of access: On-site, Remote, Virtual
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
- Assessing paleoseismology from landslide characteristics.
Possible cross-disciplinary links
Landslide tsunami research involves the scientific fields of Earth Sciences, Physics and Mathematics
The course will use Geo-INQUIRE data and software, including the Euro-Mediterranean Submarine landSlide database, BingClaw and HySEA landslide to provide a basic understanding on how to assess geohazard from submarine landslides and derived tsunamis.
The Euro-Mediterranean Submarine landSlide database (EMSS21) is a catalogue of submarine landslides of the Mediterranean Sea and the European continental margins of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. The catalogue is compiled from data available in the literature as well as information collected from geophysical data and not published in the scientific literature. The data set includes polygons and polylines for the landslide deposits and landslide scars as well as information relative to age, volume, area, runout, thickness, typology, scar elevation, geological setting, depth, slope, inferred trigger mechanism, relationship to fluid flow features as well as the relevant metadata. The catalogue includes submarine landslides that span the Miocene to Present day. The catalogue aims to offer improved understanding of mass-wasting processes, the potentially resulting tsunamis and derived geohazard.
BingClaw is a model for simulating the dynamics of cohesive (clay-rich) landslides. The service aims to equip scientists with advanced tools for simulating landslide dynamics in both subaerial and subaqueous conditions, both as a tool for simulating the landslide dynamics and its run-out distance, and also for generating tsunamis.
The HySEA landslide-tsunami model consists of two systems of coupled equations for a) the landslide material, represented by a Savage-Hutter type of model and b) the water dynamics model, represented by the shallow-water equations. Both the dynamics of the sediment flow and seawater are coupled and computed simultaneously.
Key scientific questions
- How complete is the database?
- How tectonic tectonic setting controls the frequency magnitude distribution of submarine landslides?
- How regional geomorphology controls the size-distribution of submarine landslides?
- Ground-truthing submarine landslide susceptibility maps?
- How can we back-calculate the rheological properties of submarine landslide-forming sediments?
- Which landslide parameters are landslide-tsunamis more sensitive to?
- Establishing a workflow for landslide tsunami assessment
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
EPOS ERIC, ChEESE, SLATE-ITN, EPOS ES, Spanish INSIGHT project, Portuguese MAGICLAND project
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
Linux machine (or virtual machine) with web browser QGIS, R, Python, GeoClaw with BINGCLaw, Lanslide-HySEA
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
Functionalities, possible interoperability.
The course would involve WP3 and WP5 with Virtual installations VA2-33-5 (Access to Submarine Mass Movements Catalogue), VA4-532-1 (TS-BingClaw-VA@NGI) and VA4-531-4 (Ch-HySea-VA@UMA). Could also involve service EQ-EDSF1, EQ-CAT1-3.
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
Data usage and user privacy are in accordance with FAIR data and general EPOS rules.
Contact details of dedicated mentor
- Roger Urgeles, Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC): urgeles
Type of access: Virtual, Remote
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
- Students of any grades
- Teachers
- Civil Protection authorities
- Aviation authorities
Possible cross-disciplinary links
Potential research lines can be developed with social scientist working on risk perception and awareness on those communities leaving on those active volcanoes/volcanic systems included in The European Catalogue of Volcanoes and Volcanic Areas.
The European Catalogue of Volcanoes and Volcanic Areas (ECV, is a unique coherent pan-European database created through a common effort of the European volcano observatories and research institutes. It contains detailed information on selected key volcanoes and their related hazards as well as location of active volcanoes within the monitoring territories of France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and the UK. The ECV was created in the European project EUROVOLC (2018-2021), using the previously designed Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes (CIV) from the European FUTUREVOLC project (2012-2016) as a template. It gives access to detailed information about forty-seven (47) volcanoes which belong to and/or are monitored by European countries. Information regarding volcanic hazards, geological background, historical activity is all accessible in a formatted way, which guarantees a uniform amount of details across the different volcanoes/volcanic systems. Currently, each Catalogue entry consists of a short description serving as a summary, two separate chapters (Central volcano and Fissure swarm) providing important parameters (e.g., monitoring level, magma composition, last eruption), and 14 sub-chapters describing in detail diverse aspects related to the specific volcano/volcanic system (e.g., geological setting, eruption history and pattern, volcanic hazards). The Catalogue has also a section dedicated to search for specific eruption information and will contribute to the dissemination of eruption source parameters. Volcano Observatories in Europe have worked together in collecting data, material, sources and had the common idea of creating an easy-to-use portal designed for a wide audience. Each chapter, per volcano, is available in both English and the local language (i.e. French, Italian, Spanish, Icelandic, Greek and Portuguese). To access the ECV no face-to-face training is required. This could be prepared as a on-line mini-course for those interested to learn how to exploit the potential of the Catalogue. The users could start learning on the Catalogue by themselves remotely, but through a focused online meeting some more details could be explained and introduced. However, if needed, colleagues from Spain could host interested students for a visit in Geosciences Barcelona - CSIC with the scope of learning on site the functionalities of the Catalogue and potential applications.
Key scientific questions
The Catalogue is an extensive source of information about volcanoes monitored by European Volcano Observatories, which include:
- historical eruptive activity,
- main volcanic hazards,
- eruption source parameters of past eruptions.
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
- The Deliverable11.2 of Eurovolc project may serve as manual and is accessible at:
- Introduction videos have been prepared within the Epos-Ísland and Nordic Epos initiatives:,
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
No basic requirements are needed. The Catalogue is accessible online at
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
The Catalogue relies on published material. Indeed, each chapter describing a volcano, includes a list of references that the users could use for further investigation and learning.
Functionalities, possible interoperability.
The all chapters are downloadable and the data populating the eruption search can be downloaded as tables.
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
No personal details are requested to the ECV users .
Contact details of dedicated mentors
- Sara Barsotti at IMO, sara
- Adelina Geyer Traver at CSIC, ageyertraver
- Danilo Reitano at INGV, danilo.reitano
Type of access: Remote, Virtual
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes (in bullets)
- Risk and vulnerability tsunami assessments;
- Local tsunami hazard assessments;
- Scenarios of potential future tsunamis;
- Coastal Engineering;
- Tsunami evacuation plans;
- Insurance.
Possible cross-disciplinary links
- Earthquake catalogs
- Tsunami catalogs
- Seismogenic faults
- Seismic hazard and risk
- Multi-risk applications
Key scientific questions
- Tsunami hazard assessment;
- Tsunami modeling;
- Hazard Curves.
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
Not applicable
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
Italian evacuation maps (
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
Web browser, desktop GIS, SQL, programming.
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
All datasets are open access, their use is only subject to attribution (CC-BY 4.0 license)
Functionalities, possible interoperability
All datasets are distributed as interoperable OGC standard web services.
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
All forms of data transfer between NEAMTHM18 and the users are encrypted using the secure protocol HTTPS. User privacy is guaranteed by anonymizing the users’ IP and overall GDPR compliance.
Contact details of dedicated mentors
- Roberto Basili, INGV, roberto.basili
- Manuela Volpe, INGV, manuela.volpe
- Roberto Vallone, INGV, roberto.vallone
Type of access: Remote, Virtual
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
The hazard.EFEHR platform can be used for a variety of research purposes, including:
- Earthquake hazard assessment at local and national scale
- Earthquake engineering
- Earthquake preparedness
- Earthquake response
- Earthquake risk assessment and mitigation
Possible cross-disciplinary links
- The hazard.EFEHR platform can be used in a variety of disciplines, including:
- Geophysics
- Seismology
- Earthquake engineering
- Risk management
- Disaster management
The hazard.EFEHR web platform ( is one of the main web-platforms of EFEHR (European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk. EFEHR is a non-profit network of organizations and community resources aimed at advancing earthquake hazard and risk assessment in the European-Mediterranean area.
The hazard web-platform provides access to interactive tools, seismic hazard models, products, and information on earthquake hazard and risk in Europe. The data and models on the platform are based on research projects carried out by academic and public organizations.
Here are some of the key features of the hazard.EFEHR platform:
- Access to a wide range of seismic hazard models and information
- Interactive tools that allow you to explore earthquake hazard in different regions
- Up-to-date data and models that are based on the latest research
- A user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate
- The ability to download data and models for further analysis
Key scientific questions
The hazard.EFEHR web platform can be used to address a wide range of scientific questions related to earthquake hazard and risk, including:
- Seismic hazard in my region, country, city, other location
- Multidisciplinary datasets for seismic hazard assessment
- Characterizing the seismic sources, understanding the location, size, and rupture properties of faults that are capable of generating earthquakes.
- Estimating the ground shaking. This involves predicting the ground shaking that will be produced by an earthquake of a given magnitude at specific locations.
- Integrating hazard information with risk assessment. This involves combining hazard information with information on the vulnerability of assets to earthquakes to estimate the overall risk posed by earthquakes.
- Insights of seismic hazard models to mitigate the earthquake risks
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
The hazard.EFEHR platform comes with documentation of the main seismic hazard models for Europe i.e. ESHM13, ESHM20, EMME14, GSHAP.
Tutorials and web-services manuals are available here:
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
The hazard.EFEHR platform has been used in a variety of projects, including:
- The European Seismic Hazard Models versions 2013 (ESHM13) and 2020 (ESHM20)
- The European Seismic Risk Model (ESRM20, Crowley et al 2020)
- The Swiss Seismic Hazard Model (Wiemer et al 2016)
- Rise Project:
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
The hazard.EFEHR platform can be used with a variety of software and hardware, including:
- A web browser
- A computer with an internet connection
- Basic familiarity with the seismic hazard models
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
- The hazard.EFEHR platform provides open access and an creative commons license for all datasets.
- No data and models are subject to embargoes
- The platform is still under development, and some features may not be fully functional seldom.
Functionalities, possible interoperability
The hazard.EFEHR platform has a number of functionalities, including:
- Access to seismic hazard models
- Access to earthquake information
- Interactive tools for exploring earthquake hazard estimates across Euro-Mediterranean region.
- The ability to download data and models
- The ability to collaborate with other users
- The hazard.EFEHR platform is also interoperable with other EPOS webservices
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
- The hazard.EFEHR platform is open access, which means that anyone can use the platform for free. This includes researchers, policy makers, and the general public.
- The data and models on the hazard.EFEHR platform are provided for scientific research purposes, hence the user is responsible for the use of data. The data and models can be used for commercial or other purposes without the express permission of the EFEHR.
- Data usage and user privacy are in accordance with FAIR data and general EPOS rules.
- The platform does not require authentication, so no user data is stored or tracked.
- No data protection, no security features
Contact details of dedicated mentor
- Laurentiu Danciu, ETH Zurich, email: laurentiu.danciu
Type of access: On-site, Remote, Virtual
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
- Probabilistic tsunami impact and loss forecasting
- Probabilistic tsunami vulnerability and risk mapping
- Tsunami risk assessment for catastrophe modelling
- Multi-hazard risk analysis
Possible cross-disciplinary links
Tsunami risk research is inherently interdisciplinary and multi-risk. It requires close collaborations and interactions with geophysicists, geoscientists, seismologists, tsunami modelers, structural engineers, risk modelers, social scientists, and the communities at risk.
The European Tsunami Risk Service (ETRiS) aims to collect, harmonize, and make available tsunami risk related data (e.g., impact, damage, consequences), data products (e.g., fragility and vulnerability curves), software, and services in a way that they are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable by a broad user base. ETRiS is part of thecandidate Thematic Core Service for tsunami ( Two different ETRiS datasets are already integrated into the Data Portal of theEuropean Plate Observing System (EPOS,
- This web platform ( provides data products and services required for probabilistic tsunami risk analysis (PTRA) in a multi-risk context. Here are some features:
- Maps: visualizing data products and datasets;
- Data Products: damage scales, fragility curves, consequence models, vulnerability curves;
- Tsunami Impact and Consequence Datasets: selected raw/processed datasets of impact and damage incurred by tsunami;
- Tsunami Risk Modeller’s Toolkit: software and tools for tsunami risk analysis, stand-alone software and tools for post-processing raw data, model testing and validation;
- E-Learning: Online teaching material, Jupyter notebooks, docker applications for probabilistic analysis and uncertainty characterization and propagation, fragility and vulnerability modelling, model testing and selection;
- User support and organization of user testing and feedback workshops;
Key scientific questions
- How to derive empirical tsunami fragility and vulnerability curves from data? What are the underlying assumptions? How to select the best fragility and vulnerability models?
- What are the sources of uncertainty in empirical tsunami fragility and vulnerability assessment and how to quantify and visualize them?
- How to use the results of PTHA (Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis) and convolute with tsunami fragility and vulnerability functions to perform PTRA (Probabilistic Tsunami Risk Analysis)?
- How to use exposure models for tsunami risk mapping?
- How to propagate the uncertainties in the tsunami hazard, fragility and vulnerability functions, and the exposure model to estimate the uncertainties in tsunami losses and consequences?
- How to derive analytical damage-dependent (eg, earthquake followed by tsunami) fragility functions?
- How to incorporate damage-dependent fragility functions in multi-hazard risk assessment?
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
The following paper describes the procedure and the related software for empirical fragility assessment in a comprehensive manner:
Jalayer, F., Ebrahimian, H., Trevlopoulos, K. and Bradley, B., 2023. Empirical tsunami fragility modelling for hierarchical damage levels. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23(2), pp.909-931.
Readmes and documentation can be found on theTsunami Risk Modeller’s Toolkit site:
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
EPOS cTCS Tsunami, AGITHAR (Cost Action), AGITHAR-GTM (Cost Innovator Grant)
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
The softwares and notebooks released by ETRiS can be run in Matlab, Python, and Jupyter Lab.
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
Functionalities, possible interoperability.
ETRIS datasets are conceived to be interopreable with seismic risk data products. For example, the taxonomy used for labelling elements exposed to risk is GED4ALL, which is extended version of the Global Exposure Database for the Global Earthquake. Damage-dependent fragility curves need to be interoperable between multiple-hazards such as seismic and tsunamic hazards.
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
Data usage and user privacy are in accordance with FAIR data and general EPOS rules. and data management plan is available here:
ETRiS releases data and data products with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. ETRiS portal for now is open access and no authentication is required.
Contact details of dedicated mentor
- Fatemeh Jalayer: f.jalayer
Type of access: On-site, Remote, Virtual
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
- Multi-hazard impact modelling
- Secondary cascading impacts
- Integrated techniques for the seismic and energy retrofit of buildings
Possible cross-disciplinary links
Seismic risk is a comprehensive knowledge field that connects seismology, geology, soil mechanics, structural engineering, earth observation, social science and economy.
risk.EFEHR is a web platform hosted at theEUCENTRE (Italy) that provides the risk services of theEuropean Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk (EFEHR), a consortium of organizations and community resources aimed at advancing earthquake hazard and risk assessment in the European-Mediterranean area. risk.EFEHR offers open access toexposure data and models for European residential, commercial and industrial buildings and their occupants;fragility and vulnerability models for classes of European buildings;site response data and models at European scale;earthquake scenario models; the newly releasedEuropean Seismic Risk Model (ESRM20);documentation and scientific support on all of the datasets and models.
The platform allows users to implement automated access to the data and models, and use them in their own applications usingweb services, which include two categories: 1) web services to access the data available in the interactive map viewers that follow the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) standards. 2) web services to access the data, models and files stored in the various GitLab repositories, making use of the GitLab API. The personalize training will introduce interested users to the main components of the newEuropean Seismic Risk Model (ESRM20) through the various web services available though risk.EFEHR platform. More advanced users can be introduced to the main modelling tools, including:
- Modeling fragility and vulnerability usingGEM’s Vulnerability Modellers’ Toolkit (VMTK), users can adapt theEuropean Seismic Risk Model (ESRM20) function to their assumptions or develop new ones starting from their capacity curves
- Constructing the site amplification models for a given exposure model configuration (Exposure to Site Tool), as used in the European Seismic Risk Model (ESMR20). Users can explore different workflows, e.g., define the resulting site model from a regularly spaced grid, an existing exposure model or simply a shapefile of administrative regions.
- Using Open-Quake engine for seismic hazard and risk assessment, users can compute loss/damage for a single scenario and compute risk using event-based analysis.
Key scientific questions
- Where earthquakes of different sizes may occur, how frequently they occur, and how probable certain levels of ground shaking due to earthquakes are?
- How seismic waves propagate from the hypocentre (where the fault starts to rupture) through the Earth’s crust?
- Information about the spatial distribution of residential, commercial and industrial building classes in terms of building count, area, occupants and replacement cost.
- Estimation of damage to buildings and their contents under given levels of ground shaking, and the ensuing economic losses, as a fraction of replacement costs, and loss of life.
Links to existing manuals
- risk.EFEHR is a web platform
- Exposure to Site tool manual
- OpenQuake Engine manual
- Vulnerability modellers toolkit
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
Epos-eu, Aristotle, SERA, RISE, TURNKEY
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
Web-browse, QGIS, OpenQuake, python (optional for advanced users). All software has a public licence and can be downloaded freely.
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
All products of the risk.EFEHR services are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). With this license users are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially) provided users give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
Functionalities, possible interoperability
risk.EFEHR platform allow advanced users to implement automated access to the data and models, and use them in their own applications. For example, many of these web services are used to make the data available through the Integrated Core Services platform of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS). Users can also visualise and analyze the data in QGIS or other GIS software using WMS and WFS map services.
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features
Detailed privacy policy available
Contact details of dedicated mentor
- Jamal Dabbeek, Eucentre, jamal.aldabbeek
Type of access: Remote, Virtual, On-site
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
Curate benchmark models and data sets for modelers to conduct experiments of their own forecasts.
Use evaluation results to determine key forecasting model ingredients/assumptions to use in the development of future models.
Possible cross-disciplinary links
Evaluation of hazard models interfacing with Openquake
Detailed description
The Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP - is an international research community whose mission is to accelerate earthquake predictability research through rigorous testing of probabilistic earthquake forecast models. The CSEP testing experiments involve the prospective evaluation of models, where the parameters of the experiment (including forecast generation, authoritative data source, and evaluation metrics) must be defined with zero degrees of freedom before any evaluations begin. These experiments were facilitated by a server-infrastructure colloquially known as the testing center. However, CSEP experiments are being modernized following modern open-science practices, requiring that all results are easily accessible and reproduced by any researcher. To do this, two software have been developed: (1) pyCSEP, that containes the core evaluation routines and (2) floatCSEP, which manages a standardized deployment of forecasting experiments, aimed to being used for both official institutional experiments and user-based experiments. Furthermore, the source-code, forecasts and results of on-going experiments will be continuously released, which will assist the development of new forecasting models, by providing existing experiments as benchmarks. The software are ready to be used (,, whereas we aim to provide visualizations and a web-api of data and results from official experiments through
Key scientific questions
Improve the understanding of the physics and statistics of earthquake occurrence
Provide vetted software for model developers to use in their research.
Promote open-science ideas by ensuring transparency and availability of scientific code and results.
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
Software integration, or autonomous evaluation of OEF system components in Italy (INGV), Switzerland (ETH), New Zealand (GNS), US (USGS).
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
Web browser, python, UNIX
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
The web access and web API for experiments results is still on development.
Functionalities, possible interoperability.
Forecast import, evaluation, results and spatial visualization, and export (pyCSEP)
Experiment deployment, results visualization, publishing and reproducibility (floatCSEP)
General access and visualization of forecasting experiment’s results (spatial and time-series) through webpage
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
Repositories and are open access. No data protection or security features.
Contact details of dedicated mentor
Pablo Iturrieta, GFZ Potsdam. Email: pciturri
Type of access: On-site, Remote, Virtual
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
- Any induced and triggered seismicity studies
- Anthropogenic hazard related studies
Possible cross-disciplinary links
Anthropogenic hazard research is interdisciplinary by definition. It requires data and methods used in a broad range of Earth Sciences such as geology, geophysics, seismology, geodesy, satellite imagery etc.
EPISODES platform is a key Research Infrastructure of EPOS Thematic Core Service Anthropogenic Hazards led by IG PAS. The core of this infrastructure, the EPISODES Platform ( connected to international data storage nodes offers open access to grouped datasets (named episodes), comprising geoscientific and associated data from industrial activity along with a large set of embedded applications for their efficient data processing, analysis and visualization. Episode datasets are related to investigations of particular anthropogenic hazard phenomena. Applications allow the processing of data from the EPISODES Platform as well as that uploaded by the user. Applications range from simple data management routines to advanced services for specialized data analysis. The latter are software packages developed, maintained and published by researchers. EPISODES Platform enables users to run their own data-analysis scripts within the platform utilizing access to HPC computers in ACK Cyfronet facilities. The workspace provides the user with a framework to organize data and applications into integrated scientific projects. Data in workspaces are represented as files and they can be organized within a hierarchy of directories. Users can add applications to their personal workspace in order to execute them on selected data and capture the resulting output. An application in a workspace is represented by a special kind of directory. This directory both organizes the data and provides an interface to handle data processing parameters, trigger the computation, as well as visualize, preserve and export the processed output. The processing itself is delegated to a distributed computing infrastructure (cloud or high-performance computers). The output of an application execution is stored in the application directory and may become an input for another application. Consequently, a series of applications with their resultant data may be combined to form a workflow. The team-working features of the EPISODES Platform facilitate collaborative and interdisciplinary scientific research, public understanding of science, citizen science applications, knowledge dissemination, data-informed policy-making and the teaching of anthropogenic hazards related to georesource exploitation.
Key scientific questions
- Anthropogenic seismicity origins and processes leading to triggering and inducing seismic events
- Role of water in the anthropogenic earthquake triggering
- Role of existing tectonic features in seismogenic process related with water reservoirs
- Finding other factors related with technological activities that influence seismic evets triggering near artificial water reservoirs
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
EPOS SP, EPOS ERIC, SERA, S4CE, EPOS PL, SHEER, Polish NCN OPUS projects led by G. Lizurek
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
Web browser, EPISODES platform access (account), MATLAB if someone wants to use data not available on EPISODES platform or run its own codes.
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
Data related to industrial activities are usually not easy to access and often embargoed. EPISODES platform gathers data from anthropogenic seismicity in forms of data sets called episodes, which are open for registered users. The only embargoes are related to on-going projects sharing data within the platform, usually embargo is lifted when project terminates.
Functionalities, possible interoperability.
EPISODES platform offers data and application for data analysis and visualizations. It also allows for data sharing between users and running user scripts written in accordance with EPISODES platform requirements as well as automatization of the cascade data processing
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
Data usage and user privacy are in accordance with FAIR data and general EPOS rules. Data policy details are described here:, and data management plan is available here: User privacy is secured with the UNITY authorization with user email and password set up during registration.
Contact details of dedicated mentor
- Grzegorz Lizurek, IG PAS, email: lizurek
Type of access: On-site, Remote, Virtual
Suggestions for potential use for different research purposes
- Any geoscientific studies covered by implemented data.
Possible cross-disciplinary links
The portal currently provides access to assets from 10 geoscientific communities (below) and thanks to that enables cross-disciplinary research.
- Seismology
- Near-Fault Observatories
- GNSS Data and Products
- Volcano Observations
- Satellite Data
- Geomagnetic Observations
- Anthropogenic Hazards
- Geological Information and Modelling
- Multi-Scale Laboratories
- Tsunami
European Plate Observing System (EPOS) European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) launched EPOS Data Portal (; in April 2023) which provides access to multidisciplinary data, data products, services and software from solid Earth science domain. There are ten thematic communities providing inputs to the EPOS Data Portal through services (APIs). Currently the portal enables search and discovery of assets thanks to metadata and visualization in map, table or graph views, including download of the assets.
Key scientific questions
- Search for available data in solid Earth science domain by usage of the EPOS Data Portal
- Enabling cross-disciplinary research
- Various scientific questions could be posed but it is not possible to say which are the key questions. Examples are below:
- Investigating a volcano:
- Look for recent and historical seismic events and their relation to seismogenic faults around the volcano
- Plot geological map and identify geological units.
- Investigate geodynamics of the surface by analyzing GNSS data and InSAR observations.
- Investigate data related to large recent earthquakes.
- Plot seismogenic faults in a map and review their properties in a table.
- Correlate seismogenic faults with large historical and recent earthquakes.
- Investigate co- and post-seismic displacement through GNSS and InSAR data.
- Preparing a new project proposal
- Understanding of current coverage of Europe by geoscientific observations
- Find collaborators for extending existing observations/infrastructures.
Links to existing manuals reg. serve use
- There is no written manual available. The portal has an interactive guided tour under Menu à Guided tour (
- Introduction to the portal is available also through videos:
Examples of existing applications (projects etc.)
The portal has been launched in April 2023, no specific applications has been recognized yet.
Basic requirements for use (software, skills etc.)
Web browser, geoscientific background (in one or more domains listed above).
Existing limitations (use of data, embargoes etc)
All data is provided openly. Access to some datasets requires authentication through EPOS internal system.
Functionalities, possible interoperability.
Standalone data portal providing visualization features. Further development will enable online processing environments (e.g. Jupyter Notebooks).
Terms of use-privacy, data protection, security features.
Data usage and user privacy are in accordance with FAIR data and general EPOS rules. Each asset has associated its own individual usage license (in most cases CC-BY).
Contact details of dedicated mentor
- Jan Michalek, University of Bergen, Norway. email: jan.michalek
6. Inclusion criteria
Geo-INQUIRE promotes diversity and inclusion within the scope of the project, including the applications for Transnational Access. Therefore, female applicants and applicants working in one of the widening countries, associated countries and outermost regions of Horizon Europe will be given special attention during the evaluation process. Widening countries are Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Associated countries include Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine and United Kingdom. Outermost regions include La Réunion, Mayotte, Canarias, Azores, Madeira, Saint-Martin, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Guyana.
Special requirements about accessibility and mobility, visa limitations, etc. can be added to the application form.
7. Terms and conditions to be accepted by users submitting applications
Terms and conditions for participants in Geo-INQUIRE transnational access, communication and dissemination activities:
Access Providers and their organisations are responsible for the transfer of funds (such as user travel and subsistence support) based on their regular internal accounting practices. The Geo-INQUIRE Consortium itself has no competence over such transfers. Only transfers among legal entities are allowed.
Users must provide a report after completion of access about the work developed, outcomes, and feedback questionnair