Virtual Access to enhanced game changing observables of the geosphere
The goal of Work Package 2 is to support and to enhance access to European Research Infrastructures (RIs) FAIR-based data services that are relevant to curiosity-driven research dealing with the geosphere. A concerted effort is made to integrate the independent services that fall within each infrastructure, thus offering scientists in Europe new opportunities to undertake research across multiple hazards and scientific disciplines.
Seismological waveform data
Hosting Institution:
Stichting ORFEUS (ORFEUS), The Netherlands
- EIDA portal:
- Routing service:
- Data availability:
- Documentation:
- User feedback:
EIDA, an initiative within ORFEUS, is a distributed federation of datacenters established to securely archive seismic waveform data and metadata gathered by European research infrastructures, and provide transparent access to data for the geosciences research communities. Centralised services at ODC include the website, the EIDA portal, the routing service, a data availability web interface, coordination of a community driven documentation system, training/webinar material and RRSM (Rapid Raw Strong Motion system).
Target community/Users:
Seismologists, geophysicists, engineers, and via brokers like the EPOS-ICS portal also the wider earth science community as well as the general public.
Estimated users/year:
10.000 to 100.000
Community Standards:
stationXML and SEED (FDSN standard formats via standard APIs).
Hosting institution:
Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Germany
- GEOFON Data Centre:
- FDSNWS-Dataselect:
- FDSNWS-Station:
- EIDAWS-WFCatalog:
EIDA federated services hosted at the GFZ including FDSN standard station and dataselect webservices as well as WFcatalog quality service. EIDA, an initiative within ORFEUS, is a distributed federation of datacenters established to securely archive seismic waveform data and metadata gathered by European research infrastructures, and provide transparent access to data for the geosciences research communities (
Target community/users:
Seismologists, geophysicists and via brokers like the EPOS-ICS portal also the wider earth science community as well as the general public.
Estimated users/year:
10.000 to 100.000
Community standards:
stationXML and SEED (FDSN standard formats via standard APIs).
Hosting institution:
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France
Réseau sismologique et géodésique français (RÉSIF), France
- FDSNWS-Dataselect:
- FDSNWS-Station:
- EIDAWS-WFCatalog:
EIDA federated services hosted at the RESIF including FDSN standard station and dataselect webservices as well as WFcatalog quality service. EIDA, an initiative within ORFEUS, is a distributed federation of datacenters established to securely archive seismic waveform data and metadata gathered by European research infrastructures, and provide transparent access to data for the geosciences research communities (
Target community/users:
Seismologists, geophysicists and via brokers like the EPOS-ICS portal also the wider earth science community as well as the general public.
Estimated users/year:
10.000 to 100.000
Community standards:
stationXML and SEED (FDSN standard formats via standard APIs).
Hosting institution:
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
- FDSNWS dataselect:
- FDSNWS station:
- EIDAWS WFCatalog:
EIDA (European Integrated Data Archive) federated and standardised services hosted at INGV: FDSNWS station, inventory information; FDSNWS dataselect; waveform data; EIDAWS WFcatalog, quality metrics service; EIDAWS routing information. EIDA is an initiative within ORFEUS and a federation of distributed datacentres was established to securely archive seismic waveform data and related metadata gathered by European research infrastructures, and to provide transparent access to data for the geosciences research communities (
Target community/users:
Seismologists, geophysicists and via brokers like the EPOS-ICS portal also the wider earth science community as well as the general public.
Estimated users/year:
10.000 to 100.000
Community standards:
stationXML and SEED (FDSN standard formats via standard APIs)
Hosting institutions:
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), Switzerland
Swiss Seismological Service (SED), Switzerland
- FDSNWS-Dataselect:
- FDSNWS-Station:
- EIDAWS-WFCatalog:
EIDA federated services hosted at ETHZ including FDSN standard station and dataselect webservices as well as WFcatalog quality service. EIDA, an initiative within ORFEUS, is a distributed federation of datacenters established to securely archive seismic waveform data and metadata gathered by European research infrastructures, and provide transparent access to data for the geosciences research communities (
Target community/users:
Seismologists, geophysicists and via brokers like the EPOS-ICS portal also the wider earth science community as well as the general public
Estimated users/year:
10.000 to 100.000
Community standards:
stationXML and SEED (FDSN standard formats via standard APIs)
Hosting institution:
Εθνικό Αστεροσκοπείο Αθηνών (NOA), Greece
- FDSNWS-Dataselect:
- FDSNWS-Station:
- EIDAWS-WFCatalog:
EIDA federated services hosted at the NOA including FDSN standard station and dataselect webservices as well as WFcatalog quality service. EIDA, an initiative within ORFEUS, is a distributed federation of datacenters established to securely archive seismic waveform data and metadata gathered by European research infrastructures, and provide transparent access to data for the geosciences research communities (
Target community/users:
Seismologists, geophysicists and via brokers like the EPOS-ICS portal also the wider earth science community as well as the general public.
Estimated users/year:
10.000 to 100.000
Community standards:
stationXML and SEED (FDSN standard formats via standard APIs)
GNSS data
Hosting institution:
Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België (ROB), Belgium
- The ROB-EUREF EPOS-GNSS node is available at
- The ROB-EUREF data repository is online and open at and
The ROB-EUREF node is one of the EPOS-GNSS data nodes. It makes a selection of the GNSS data in the EUREF historical data centre discoverable within EPOS. The EUREF historical data centre contains the daily data of more than 450 GNSS stations belonging to the EUREF Permanent GNSS Network primarily serving reference frame maintenance ( The data collection started in 1996 and continues today. All data have been quality checked and the station metadata have been collected and validated.
Target community/users:
Solid Earth scientists, geodesists, geophysicists. Scientists working on atmosphere and ionosphere. Private companies and mapping agencies requiring reference stations for precise positioning.
Estimated users/year:
1.000 to 10.000
Community standards:
Standard GNSS data exchange format: RINEX
Metadata of each GNSS station: GeodesyML and/or IGS site log
Hosting institutions:
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France
LIttoral ENvironnement et Sociétés (LIENSs), France
- Not yet available, expected by October 2024.
The SONEL node is installed during this project and will become one of the EPOS-GNSS data nodes. Once installed, it will make a selection of the GNSS data in the SONEL GNSS global data centre discoverable to the EPOS ICS. The SONEL GNSS data repository contains the data of permanent GNSS stations located at or nearby tide gauges that are assembled by the SONEL global data centre ( Note that SONEL plays the role of global data assembly centre (GNSS data at tide gauges) for the GLOSS programme, which is under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.
Target community/users:
Sea-level community, ranging from hydrography, geodesy, climate, coastal management, geophysics, oceanography, tsunami and storm warning systems, etc
Estimated users/year:
1.000 to 10.000
Community standards:
Standard GNSS data exchange format: RINEX
Hosting institution:
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France
- Data Gateway EPOS-GNSS
- GUI :
- API : -
- command line client :
- French node EPOS-GNSS
EPOS-GNSS is the Thematic Core Service dedicated to GNSS data and products for the European Plate Observing System.
EPOS-GNSS provides a service to explore and download validated and quality controlled GNSS data and metadata. This service is based on a network of distributed data nodes connected to a centralized one, called "EPOS-GNSS Data Gateway". The service aims to follow the FAIR principles and continues to evolve to better meet them.
The EPOS-GNSS Data Gateway provides more than 6 million of daily data files in the RINEX standardized format for 1965 European GNSS stations and their associated metadata (February 2024) from the numerous European GNSS data providers who have subscribed to EPOS-GNSS.
Target community/users:
GNSS data are used in most of the scientific fields concerning the observation of the Earth and the understanding of the physical processes affecting the different envelopes of the Earth. The primarily users focused are studying the dynamic of Solid Earth but it can be scientist studying Ocean, Atmosphere, Continental Surfaces and Interfaces or working on general geodesy topics. Private sector for applied precision positioning are also users of this service.
Estimated users/year:
10.000 to 100.000
Community standards:
Standard GNSS data exchange format: RINEX
Standard GNSS station metadata format: GeodesyML and/or IGS site log, other standard formats like json.
Hosting institution:
Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal
- Portuguese Node:
- Pan-European Node:
UBI hosts two EPOS-GNSS data nodes: a Portuguese and a Pan-European. They make the GNSS data in resp. a Portuguese data repository and a pan-European data repository discoverable to the EPOS ICS. The Portuguese node provides access to the data of Portuguese GNSS stations and the Pan-European node to data from GNSS stations located in European countries which don’t have a dedicated national EPOS-GNSS node.
Target community/users:
Solid Earth scientists, geodesists, geophysicists. Any user who needs GNSS data for scientific or technical applications.
Estimated users/year:
1.000 to 10.000
Community standards:
Standard GNSS data exchange format: RINEX
Hosting institution:
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
The INGV EPOS-GNSS node represents the GLASS national node for the RING (Rete Integrata Nazionale GNSS, network data. The RING network has been developed to measure deformation at different spatial and temporal scales in the Eurasia-Africa plate boundary region. Nowadays, the RING consists of about 240 permanent stations located all over Italy and abroad (Greece, Malta). The network is a part of a research infrastructure that also includes data and metadata acquisition and distribution centres, and analysis centres to derive geodetic products (daily solutions, time series, velocity fields, coseismic displacements, etc.).
Target community/users:
Solid Earth scientists, geodesists, geophysicists. The GNSS data are useful for a broad scientific community: studies on tectonic deformation, the strain accumulation on the seismogenic structures, the coseismic and post-seismic deformation of moderate earthquakes, for seismological applications (including earthquake source modeling), for hydro-geological investigations (including monitoring of water-bearings levels and sea level), and for atmospheric and ionospheric applications.
Estimated users/year:
1.000 to 10.000
Community standards:
Standard GNSS data exchange format: RINEX
Hosting institution:
Εθνικό Αστεροσκοπείο Αθηνών (NOA), Greece
The NOA node is one of the EPOS-GNSS data nodes. It makes GNSS data from stations in Greece, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Cyprus and Montenegro discoverable to the EPOS ICS. It is a 24/7/365 geodetic data dissemination service operated by NOA.
Target community/users:
Solid Earth scientists, geodesists, geophysicists.
Estimated users/year:
100 to 1.000
Community standards:
Standard GNSS data exchange format: RINEX
Metadata of each GNSS station: GeodesyML and/or IGS site log
Ocean bottom data relevant for the geosphere
Hosting institution:
European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory - European Research Infrastructure Consortium (EMSO-ERIC)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
EMSO's data portal central service is a federated ERDAPP-based data service that provides uniform and consistent access to multidisciplinary datasets acquired at EMSO regional facilities (in situ measurement stations at the seafloor and in the water column). EMSO central service also gives access to distributed data services specific to EMSO Regional Facilities. Regional facilities are distributed across European waters, ranging from deep-sea to coastal waters.
Target community/users:
Geophysicists, geologists, oceanographers, biologist and marine environmental researchers. Ultimately, anyone aiming to understand processes occurring in the marine domain, from the seafloor to the water column, and from the deep-sea to coastal waters.
Estimated users/year:
1.000 to 10.000
Community standards:
Data is available in multiple formats: CSV, NetCDF, JSON, GeoJSON, etc.
Metadata is harmonized based on OceanSites metadata fields. The metadata specs can be found here:
Hosting institution:
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France
- Station ASEAF offshore Toulon:
- Station PRIMA, offshore Nice
- Station MUG01, offshore Monaco
Virtual access to seismological data acquired to three ocean-bottom seismometers in three different locations offshore the French Mediterranean coast (roughly offshore Toulon, offshore Nice, and offshore the French-Italian border). The first two installations are cabled to the shore, providing free and open real-time access. The third one is a long-term ocean-bottom seismometer with ~5 years of autonomous power supply and periodic data recovery (by ship) every 6-12 months.
Target community/users:
Seismologists, e.g. for studies of seismicity, seismic hazard and solid earth structure. This grades into hazard and environmental studies carried out jointly with allied scientific communities, e.g. landslide and turbidite risks, anthropogenic noise in the coastal sea, physics of ocean waves and their coupling into the solid earth, sea state and other meterological/oceanographic proxies inferred from seismic "noise", marine mammals volcalizations.
Estimated users/year:
100 to 1.000
Community standards:
mseed, stationXML/quakeXML. The standards used are those of RESIF, the French EIDA node.
Hosting institution:
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
- A web service ( is currently providing access to a subset of historical data; the service for the other variables will be completely operative during project lifetime. Currently the ingestion of marine seismic data into EIDA system is under development.
Virtual access to ocean bottom data relevant for the geosphere recorded by the seafloor cabled observatoryt the Etna-Western Ionian Sea EMSO regional facility
Target community/users:
Seismologists, geophysicists, tsunami and earthquake research and seismic monitoring services
Estimated users/year:
Less than 100
Community standards:
common standards (OGC, INSPIRE)
Hosting institution:
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER), France
Virtual access to offshore piezometer time series from an underwater cabled observatory (EMSO-Ligurian Sea Regional Facility) dedicated to the study of causal and revealing factors of submarine slope instability
Target community/users:
Engineers and scientists working on submarine slope stability and underlying active processes in offshore sediments
Estimated users/year:
Less than 100
Hosting institution:
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy
- Not yet available, expected by October 2024.
The service will provide access to samples of data recorded using Distributed Acoustic Sensors (DAS) devices installed at the LNS Catania infrastructure (EMSO Western Ionian Regional Facility) and connected to subsea fibers. It will also give access to samples of data recorded using a Hydrophone antenna installed at the LNS Catania infrastructure (EMSO Western Ionian Regional Facility) at 2100 m depth.
Target community/users:
oceanographers, biologists, geophysicists, general public
Estimated users/year:
100 to 1.000
Sea level data
Hosting institution:
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), Belgium
The Sea Level Station Monitoring Facility (SLSMF) is an information and display service connecting 1260 real time sea level stations in a global and regional network of 170 global data providers. The SLSMF provides a free online service for quick inspection of the raw data stream from individual sea level stations. This data is crucial for the provision of early warning of rapid onset sea-level hazards. Additionally, we will support capacity building opportunities to ensure equal warning capabilities and support resilience of coastal and maritime communities. The stations are part of IOC programmes i.e. (i) the Global Sea Level Observing System Core Network and (ii) the networks under the regional tsunami warning systems in the Indian Ocean (IOTWS), North East Atlantic & Mediterranean (NEAMTWS), Pacific (PTWS) and the Caribbean (CARIBE-EWS).
Target community/users:
Tsunami warning centers, station operators, GLOSS-users, Government agencies, general public, Research Community
Estimated users/year:
More than 100.000
Community standards:
OGC, in house REST.
Hosting institution:
National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Greece
- These tools will be used to provide quality-controlled data through API’s on the SLSMF ( The tools itself will be made available via public repository (github or similar) and on the SLSMF-data through API.
- Not yet available, expected by September 2024.
A package of quality control tools on sea-level data. These tools will be used on the SLSMF-data for delivering research ready data in real time. Special attention will be made towards rapid onset sea-level hazards, making sure this data is not lost in the process of quality control (ie not excluding tsunami’s, meteo-tsunami’s). For further use and reproducibility these tools will be made available through an online code repository platform.
Target community/users:
Research Community, Tsunami warning centers, station operators, GLOSS-users, Government agencies, general public
Estimated users/year:
100 to 1.000
Community standards:
Multidisciplinary data from EPOS TCS NFO and VO
Hosting institution:
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
NFO Federated Specific Data Gateway (named FRIDGE) is the NFO-TCS Community platform for NFO DDSS, consisting of multidisciplinary high-resolution data collected near fault at diverse European NFO (TABOO, VRANCEA, MARMARA, CORINTH, IRPINIA, VALAIS), and related scientific products (e.g., geochemical, seismic, geodetic and geophysical data and products). Many EU institutions behind these monitoring infrastructures act as Data Providers.
Target community/users:
Research institutions, Academia, Educational, Public and Private sectors.
Estimated users/year:
100 to 1.000
Community standards:
mseed, QuakeML, FDSN family formats, Rinex, WFS, plus the standards we introduced for the geochemical data, such as json.
Hosting institution:
Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO), Iceland
The VOLC data access platform Iceland is hosted by IMO and links to API services providing access to GNSS data as well as volcanological data and products from IMO and other collaborating institutions in the EPOS Iceland collaborative national infrastructure project. Presently the platform contains 18 API services providing access to all IMO data and products within the VOLC-TCS.
Target community/users:
The target users belong to the volcanological monitoring and research community, but some services also cater to civil protection and authorities for aviation safety.
Estimated users/year:
Less than 100
Community standards:
The volcanological services conform with the volcanological community standards developed and agreed upon in the EPOS as well as in the EUROVOLC project. The GNSS services provide raw data in standard RINEX format, and the metadata are identical or close to identical to those of the EPOS GNSS-TCS service. The GNSS services themselves are to some degree different from the GLASS service of the GNSS-TCS. A GLASS service will be installed at IMO in 2024. Json/geo-json/cov-json standards are also used as requested by EPOS community.
Hosting institution:
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
The VOLC data access platform distributes a multitude of heterogeneous datasets collected by many data providers. The services concern the specific area of Eastern Sicily. The VOLC is working to expand the existing services in terms of data provision (more stable API and services) and updating the payload of existing datasets. Moreover, in connection with WP3, new services will be available in the portfolio of the VO platform.
Target community/users:
Research activity in general, Academia, Public and Private sectors. Some services also cater to civil protection and civil aviation authorities.
Estimated users/year:
Less than 100
Community standards:
mseed, FDSN family formats, Rinex, WFS mseed, QuakeML. Json/geo-json/cov-json standards are also used as requested by EPOS community.