Question & Answer session

A Question & Answer session for the 3rd Geo-INQUIRE Transnational Access Call will take place on Tuesday, 21 January 2025 from 10:00 to 11:00 CET.

Please register to receive the dial-in-data here.

If you have additional questions, feel free to write an email with your technical question to the contact person of the installation. For general questions regarding the process please contact

Support material:

Introductory presentation from the 1st Geo-INQUIRE Transational Access Call (1 March 2024).

Introductory presentation from the 2nd Geo-INQUIRE Transational Access Call (26 June 2024).

Frequently asked questions

Not necessarily, unless the supervisor is relevant and actually contributes to the project. Make it transparent. In addition, you have to include a support letter from your supervisor.


The 20% cap is measured with respect to the overall number of applications of each call and can only be assessed after the final evaluation of the Transnational Activity Review Panel (TARP). In case the total of applicants from non-EU and non-Associated Countries exceeds the 20% for one specififc call, restrictions may apply in future calls. Therefore, applicants from non-EU and non-Associated Countries are encouraged to apply at any stage, unless restrictions are clearly stated in the call text.


Yes, you can and should indicate your preferred time frame and duration (according to the maximum amount of access and other information provided in the description of the Transnational Access offer). We suggest to contact the installation as early as possible in the process in case of doubts with the maximum duration and the envisioned time frame. The actual access period will be negotiated between the installation and the applicant after a positive final evaluation and invitation for access.


Geo-INQUIRE colleagues, who are directly involved and/or financed in Geo-INQUIRE (project members) are not allowed to apply. Applicants who are working in one of the Geo-INQUIRE partner organisations could be eligible, assuming they are clearly not linked to the actual person working in the project. Potential conflict of interests can be added to the ethics section of the application template, they will be evaluated in a case-by-case basis.


Yes, as long as the proposed action is self-contained, is not already directly funded by other means (not the same action), has clearly defined objectives and feeds back innovative products and/or data into Geo-INQUIRE supported Virtual Access installations.


Due to data protection reasons, not all information about applicants can be made available in the project website. Therefore, after the final evaluation by the Transantional Activity Review Panel (TARP), each Principal Investigator (PI) is contacted by the selected installation with the final results of their application. The projects are either accepted, rejected or remain in a reserve list. Reserve list means that the project can be invited in the future, in case more resources are available for the installation of choice.



Latest version: 20 June 2024