Workshop on Simulation Data Lakes and Earthquake Ground Motions held at GFZ
In Sept. 2024, Geo-INQUIRE, enabled an international Workshop with the title "Toward Data Lakes for Recorded and Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions" organized by Fabrice Cotton (GFZ), Alice Gabriel (LMU/Scripps), Ssu-Ting Li (GFZ), Iris Christadler (LMU), Brad Aagaard (GHSC/USGS), Aysegul Askan (METU), Sanaz Rezaeian (USGS).
This initiative built upon the discussions and meetings organized by the Consortium of Organizations for Strong Motion Observation Systems (COSMOS) in the past two years ("
This workshop in Potsdam aimed at:
- fostering collaboration and discussions on the exploration and definition of a standardized format for both real earthquake motion data and numerical modeled synthetics,
- collecting and giving access to the available/ready-prepared data and synthetics from research groups around the world,
- exploring data lake platform options, identifying target user groups and examining potential engineering uses of such data lakes.
52 people met in Potsdam at the "Telegrafenberg" on site, over 80 joined the event online, from 26 different countries. The program was divided into three main sections:
- Exploring Datalakes: Recent Examples and Project Showcases
- Toward Common Datalake Formats and Metaparameters
- Testing and Validation for Numerical Simulations
Each section started with a motivation talk, followed by talks from well-known specialists in the field, concluded by roundtable discussions. The last day was dedicated to early career scientists that highlighted recent research findings that complemented the poster sessions. In the next weeks, the slides and recordings will be made available at