5th Geo-INQUIRE online Seminar: "The UPFLOW experiment: observations from a ~1,500 km aperture array of 49 ocean bottom seismometers in the mid-Atlantic"
The next Geo-INQUIRE seminar with the topic "The UPFLOW experiment: observations from a ~1,500 km aperture array of 49 ocean bottom seismometers in the mid-Atlantic" will take place on Thursday, 7 March 2024, from 10:00 to 11:00 CET. Further information on this EU project can be found here.
10:00 - Scientific talk will be held by Ana Ferreira (UCL): "UPFLOW's scientific ideas, initial results and future vision"
10:20 - Technical talk will be held by Maria Tsekhmistrenko (UCL): "UPFLOW's data preparation, archival and dissemination"
10:40 - Q/A session and discussion
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