1st Online Training “make your data FAIR”: Open Science Awareness
Date: Tuesday, 30 April 2024 10:00 - 11:00 CEST
Location: Virtual training course
Speaker: Lena Thöle, Utrecht University (mail: l.m.tholeuu.nl)
Research fields: Specialists of all scientific fields, and on all career stages are welcome
Target audience: All career stage scientists and professionals, students and PhD candidates.
We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming online workshop on ‘make your data FAIR’. This event will be a one hour workshop with interactive parts guiding you through the principles of FAIR data and open science, and will serve as a starting point for future events to delve deeper into practical aspects of research data management to equip you with the tools to make your data FAIR.
Geosciences are one of the most interdisciplinary research fields, with input from, applications for and connections to many other fields of research. Moreover, many geoscientific topics are of societal and public interest. This highlights the importance of generating data that is findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable – in short FAIR – for a large number of stakeholders within and across domains. This workshop will demonstrate the importance of creating FAIR data and highlight the importance of open science. At the same time, this workshop will serve as a kick-off for a future online workshop series that will cover aspects of best data management practices resulting in FAIR data.
The learning goals of this first workshop are:
- To discover Open Science ideas. We delve into the world of open science, discovering its benefits and overcoming challenges. Learn about tools and practices that facilitate transparency, collaboration, and community engagement. Embrace a culture of openness to advance scientific knowledge collectively.
- To understand the intricacies of FAIR data principles. We become aware of how to make your research data more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Understanding these principles is crucial for optimizing the impact and accessibility of your research.
- To get an overview of future steps in implementing FAIR data practices. This segment will highlight next steps of the workshop series, focusing on organizing and managing data while ensuring alignment with FAIR principles.
We promote equality, diversity and inclusion under the advice of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Panel at all events organized as part of Geo-INQUIRE. In particular, we support registrations from women, early career scientists and people from widening countries.