TCS AH EPISODES Platform Workshop - demonstrating EPISODES' features on the example of new data implemented in Geo-INQUIRE project
Date: Thursday, 15 May 2025, from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST
Location: Virtual training course. Register here!
Speaker: Agnieszka Mtupa-Ndiaye (Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences), Helena Ciechowska (Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences)
Target audience: Students, PhD students, early stage career scientists, senior researchers, industry and private sector representatives
- Basic computer knowledge
- EPISODES Platform registration/account (please register: If you don't need the account after the workshop please delete it)
- Basic geophysics knowledge
EPISODES Platform ( is a digital tool (virtual laboratory) which provides open access to the integrated research infrastructures of EPOS TCS AH - episodes (datasets), applications (software), workspace, HPC, collaboration functionalities and document repository. EPISODES Platform gives users the possibility to: analyze anthropogenic seismicity and related hazards, assess the potential impact of geo-resources exploitation, use educational resources on anthropogenic hazard.
Scope: The workshop is intended for Geo-INQUIRE goals (increase awareness and usage of the EPISODES platform that is one of the Geo-INQUIRE services). The workshop will include: the introduction and description of the concept of the EPISODES platform, the description of the episode and data it includes, the presentation of the basic functions of the Platform: episode viewing and data visualization. Training providers will explain the Workspace and basic file operations, including data filtering. They will also introduce applications available on the EPISODES platform.
The practical part of the workshop will include:
- Exercise 1: Filtering the catalog of seismic phenomena,
- Exercise 2: Seismogram peaking and other seismic signal processing methods: localization, spectral analysis and calculation of focal mechanisms,
- Exercise 3: Determining seismic hazard parameters. At the end of the workshop participants will be able to ask for individual consultations with workshop leaders.
The learning goals: Getting familiar and readiness for practical use of the EPISODES platform as a digital tool that provides access to integrated episodes, i.e. data sets describing the seismic process induced or triggered by technological activities related to the exploration and exploitation of geo-resources, which in certain circumstances may threaten people, infrastructure and the natural environment.
EPOS Thematic Core Service and Geo-INQUIRE welcome anyone interested in learning about these concepts and tools, particularly early-career students, researchers, cross-disciplinary scientists at all career stages and catastroph modellers.