Shakemap EU Workshop 2024

INGV and Geo-INQUIRE are pleased to invite participants to an In-Person ShakeMap EU - workshop.

Date: Thurday, 27 June 2024 (09:00 CEST) until Friday, 28 June 2024 (13:00 CEST)

Location: Milan, Italy (hybrid)

Registration has closed for in-person participation: 07.06.2024 23:59 CEST

Registration has closed for online participation: 28.06.2024 13:00 CEST

Speaker: Licia Faenza (INGV), Carlo Cauzzi (ETH Zurich), Alberto Michelini (INGV)

Research fields: Specialists in ground motion modeling, seismic hazard

Target audience: Researchers/staff actively involved in seismological observational centers (Limit: 30 participants. The selection procedure will be applied, if number of registrations will be greater according to Geo-INQUIRE rules)

We are thrilled to invite you to Shakemap EU. This will be a 1.5-day workshop with main focus on the integration and leverage of the national and regional scale implementations of the USGS-Shakemap software at European scale. This is part of the ShakeMapEU activities (see initiative. The workshop will address the optimal integration of the shakemap activities to achieve optimal cross-country maps of strong ground motion (shakemaps). 

The workshop targets scientists actively involved in seismic monitoring and surveillance from institutions running seismic networks and belonging to institutions that have national or regional scale mandate for the rapid evaluation of seismic ground shaking. PhD students, PostDocs and Early career Scientists, besides Senior scientists associated with the type of institutions mentioned above and who have been actively involved in estimating ground shaking and are interested or experienced with implementing the USGS-ShakeMap software are most welcome. The attendants are expected to have basic knowledge of Unix and python.

The learning goals: The primary objective is to obtain cross-border maps of ground shaking consistent with the maps produced by the same participating institutions at the national level and leveraging the experience of the participating institutions and their personnel with the USGS-ShakeMap software

Prerequisites: Active members of seismological centers. Knowledge in seismological networks, seismological data acquisition and processing, seismic hazard calculation

We promote equality, diversity and inclusion under the advice of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Panel at all events organized as part of Geo-INQUIRE. In particular, we support registrations from women, early career scientists and people from widening countries.

Terms and Conditions for participants in Geo-INQUIRE activities: