OpenFOAM Applications in Volcanology (TA2-531-2)

1. Hosting Institution

Physical and remote: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Pisa Section, Italy.

2. Description

The Geo-INQUIRE Ch-OpenFOAM service includes a suite of OpenFOAM based solvers and libraries for volcanological and geophysical applications, optimized in the framework of ChEESE for HPC usage.

OpenPDAC is a multiphase Eulerian-Eulerian-Lagrangian solver built upon the multiphaseEulerFoam native solver, customized for compressible, turbulent volcanic gas-particle mixtures. It comes with automatic workflows for High Performance Computing simulations of explosive volcanic eruptions over complex 3D topographies.

ASHEE is a compressible fluid-dynamic model developed to numerically simulate the non-equilibrium dynamics of polydisperse gas-particle mixtures forming volcanic plumes.

MagmaFOAM is a modular framework for the simulation of magmatic systems based on OpenFOAM. It incorporates models for solving the dynamics of multiphase, multicomponent magmatic systems and several benchmarks. MagmaFOAM sets a robust framework for in-house and community model development, testing and comparison.

3. Services offered

These flagship codes will be made available through physical TA (testing models on HPC infrastructures, running scientific applications) at INGV.

New OpenFOAM-based applications can be developed and made available during the course of the project. TAs can also be focused on new application development, or for porting new fluid-dynamic applications and testing models on HPC infrastructures at INGV.

4. Modality of access

  1. A maximum of 2 accesses for 2 to 4 weeks each in-person plus 2 to 4 weeks of each remote access to INGV in Pisa. TA grants will cover the costs for travel and subsistence.
  2. Remote support and access to in-kind computer resources at the hosting institution is possible, where available and technically meaningful.

5. Support

Personalized training and support for the definition of the scientific problem, settings of the simulation cases, run of data analysis and elaborations, dissemination of products (e.g., scientific reports, papers), uptake of the simulation results on the Simulation Data Lake at CINECA.

6. Additional information

Target community/ Users:

Researchers (of any level); Students (graduate).

More information:

7. Contact person

Tomaso Esposti Ongaro (