Galileo100 - Computational Resources on CPU Supercomputer

Host Institution:

Consorzio Interuniversitario (CINECA), Italy

Direct applications to this installation are not possible. Computational budgets will be provided through HPC-based TAs according to the needs of specific projects.


Galileo-100 (G100) is the Tier-1 system available in CINECA, co-funded by the European ICEI (Interactive Computing e-Infrastructure) project and is a system engineered by DELL. G100 is equipped with 554 compute nodes with 2 CPU Intel CascadeLake 8260, each with 24 cores at 2.4 GHz, 384GB RAM DDR4, divided in: 340 standard nodes ("thin nodes") equipped with 480 GB SSD. 180 data processing nodes ("fat nodes") having 2TB SSD, 3TB Intel Optane persistent memory each. 34 GPU nodes (visualization "viz") with 2 NVIDIA GPU V100 for visualization purposes. The Internal network is Mellanox Infiniband HDR100. The machine is open to production. The main focus is massively parallel and data intensive computation.

The service will be provided through trans-national access, which includes training, computational resources (with the support of CINECA help-desk for the correct usage of G100 facility). A total amount of more than 31 ML of core-hours will be available for TA and throughout the project.

More information:

Contact person:

Piero Lanucara (