EMSO Ligure-Nice - Access to DAS acquisition parameters and training
Hosting Institutions:
Geoazur Laboratory, Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, France
The Monaco-Savone project leverages fiber optic cables in an underwater setting to enable high-resolution Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for seismic and geophysical monitoring. This initiative enhances marine geophysical research, hazard assessment, and oceanographic studies through innovative DAS technologies.
By customizing measurement parameters such as spatial and temporal sampling or range, the experiments address various scientific questions in geosciences, ocean dynamics, oceanography, marine biology, and metrology. We also offer the possibility to access some Chilean continuous datasets acquired in underwater setting during the ERC Abyss project for dedicated studies.
This activity is supported by the expertise of Geoazur, renowned for Earth sciences research using underwater DAS measurements and state-of-the-art facilities. The Geoazur Laboratory collaborates with international experts and contributes to the development of cutting-edge DAS methodologies.
Processed data products, including continuous velocity waveforms recorded every kilometer, will be accessible through the EPOS-France data portal.
Services offered:
The service provides access to a DAS interrogator to perform strain rate measurements along the Monaco-Savone submarine cable. The interrogator is an OptoDAS ASN, offering:
- Internal storage of 5 TB for data acquisition.
- Real-time strain rate measurement capabilities.
Modality of access:
Physical Access to the DAS System, controlled remotely from the Geoazur Laboratory:
- A maximum of 8 projects will be supported in the call.
- Each project team can consist of up to 2 participants.
- Access units are defined as ‘1 working day’, with a maximum of 5 working days per project, depending on the scientific scope and resource availability.
Physical access support includes:
- Instrumentation Training: Hands-on training for operating the DAS interrogator.
- Technical Support: Assistance with troubleshooting and configuration of the equipment.
- Experiment Setup Support: Guidance on deploying the DAS system for optimal performance.
- Introduction to DAS Data Processing: Training and guidance on processing DAS data, including:
- Handling large data volumes.
- Extracting strain rate information.
- Filtering and analyzing signals for diverse scientific applications.
- Applying advanced techniques for interpreting DAS measurements.
Further information:
Diane Rivet gave a Geo-INQUIRE seminar on Distributed Acoustic Sensing on 19 January 2023. The presentation slides and video can be found here.
On 5 December 2023 Diane Rivet and her team gave give another Geo-INQUIRE online seminar. The presentation slides and video can be found here.
Contact person:
Diane Rivet
Geoazur, Nice, France
Email: diane.rivetgeoazur.unice.fr
Anthony Sladen
Geoazur, Nice, France
Email: anthony.sladengeoazur.unice.fr